If you have forgotten your password, it can be reset with the Forgotten Password link.
Click on the Forgotten Password? link to open the Reset Password option. Enter your username and email address and click on RESET PASSWORD to receive email with a link for resetting your password.
You will receive an email from [email protected], similar to the one below which include a link to Reset your Password. Clicking on the link in the email will open COHORT on the New Password screen
Enter a password of your choice in the New Password box and the enter the same password in the Confirm New Password box before clicking on SAVE NEW PASSWORD.
Please note passwords need to be a minimum of 8 characters and include upper and lower case letters, a number and a special character.
Passwords on COHORT are valid for 90 days and you will be asked to change your password the next time you logon after 90 days have passed.
If you are logging on for the first time after your password has expired COHORT will allow you to initially log on as normal but then ask you to CHANGE PASSWORD.
Enter a password of your choice in the New Password box and the enter the same password in the
Confirm New Password box before clicking on OK at the bottom right of the screen. This will Reset your password and log you onto COHORT.
Please note passwords need to be a minimum of 8 characters and include upper-case and lowercase letters, a number, and a special character.